Monday, 20 March 2017

Internship language activity by payal shah. 2017

Internship activity by payal shah.

Language activity carried out during the internship programme.

Language activity: Collage advertisement and poster making.
Objective of the activity: To make learners search for new vocabulary and organize it to form meaningful sentences and organizing it to form a meaningful article.
How it was conducted:
 The learners work in groups of four: this enhances their work and increases team spirit.
Materials Used:  Old newspapers ,magazines and craft articles…preferably waste that had  reusable value. This would increase their observation and creativity and make innovative use of old-waste, lying around.
Time frame: 1.5 hours with all the pre-requisites assembled a day before.
 Date of conduction: (9th and 10th march)
The learners were given a predefined group to work with to increase a sense of class bonding.( they were grouped according to their roll numbers). The theme for the collage advertisement was freestyle. The learners chose a bakery shop , a jewellery shop, an agency providing jobs, an ice cream parlour, a resort etc.
The poster making themes were:
a.    Save the girl child.
b.    Digital india 2050.
c.    Live life, love life.
d.    Empowering women.
e.    Swachaccha Bharat.
 The class really took keen interest in the activity and everyone worked really hard to create their best ….the idea was new and refreshing as it was something out of the text and they could actually use their ideas and creativity. The results were remarkably well organized a an entirely new idea emerged.

Conclusion: The purpose of this activity was to involve the whole class so that they could identify a variety of vocabulary from the newspapers and utilize it to create a new presentation. Collage of a variety of words gave a fresh look to the final advertisement and the whole activity was based on the learners imagination and creativity. Thus purposeful work was achieved. The learners also learnt sequencing and organization of words to form a poster and an advertisement.

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